Institute for the Research of Esoteric Geography


Welcome, interlopers and Seekers-to-be.

The IREG was founded in June of 1980 by Doctor E. Rainier of the University of California, Los Angeles. Its archives and initiatives are presently maintained under the direction of A. Sheridan. The IREG is dedicated to the discovery, preservation, and study of geographical points on the surface of the Earth which possess significant and heightened degrees of planar confluence.

At present, the IREG is engaged in a mass-consciousness concentration and discovery exercise made possible by our generous benefactors at the technology firm Cowri Labs. Waystones have been laid in digital and corporal space, leading Seekers on a journey of mind and body toward points of planar significance marked with cryptographic caches. The last and greatest of these caches and sites, the ultimate aim, is G-S.

The IREG is invested in the bequeathment of Seeker marks to motivated, insightful, and reflective individuals driven to participate in the search for G-S and her sister sites. Prospective Seekers should take care to consider the following passage and act out its directives to receive their mark and voice.

Begin with the ship of the auric fleece. Four characters majuscule. Substitute U+0041 in the place of U+004F. Hash it with the SHA of '95. Take the first twelve characters and prepend U+0021. This shall be your key. Submit it as a message in any #channel of the server S-P. If your solution is seaworthy, a Seeker mark and a voice in the forum shall be yours.